Thursday is Community Round-Up day and so – by a simple process of logical deduction – that must mean its Community Round-Up time again! You know, it being Thursday. It’s just science. Anyway, we have news on the latest events, YouTube videos, competitions and community projects, so dig in, kick back, and enjoy!
RuneScape YouTube Live Stream Sessions
First up, our latest YouTube live stream session will be taking place on Sunday 9th September at 9pm BST. Jagex CEO Mark Gerhard and RuneScape VP Daniel Clough are going to be taking on the really big questions regarding micro payments, straight from the community – no holds barred! For full details of the event, check out the official newspost here.
On a related note, if you have feedback on the Squeal of Fortune that you’d like to share with us, you can now utilise the brand-new dedicated feedback forum for all things Squeal, right here.
God Wars: Remastered
Our headline content this week was the release of the tuned-up, souped-up and altogether more visually stunning God Wars Dungeon. To see it in action, check out last week’s Behind the Scenes video on our official YouTube channel here. Don’t forget to like and subscribe when you’re done!
The Weekend Event – Fansites at God Wars!
In celebration of the aforementioned God Wars refresh, two of our dedicated fansites have come together to duke it out in a two-sided God Wars showdown. RuneZone are supporting the nefarious causes of Zamorak, while Zybez are all for the glory of Saradomin. The race is on to rack up as many kills against the opposing side’s forces as possible over the weekend, so make sure you get involved by checking out the info thread here!
Combat Beta Worlds – Weekend Access
Speaking of epic carnage, there’s more ferocious fighting to be done on the Combat Beta worlds this weekend. As always, we’re throwing the servers open to the whole community (including free-to-play players), meaning everyone can get stuck in! Don’t forget to give us your feedback by logging into the forums and visiting the feedback thread here.
Creative Writing Competition
Last but not least, we have a quick reminder about the brilliant RuneScape creative writing competition that the folks over at Movellas.com are running. Sweet prizes in return for some well-written words? Sounds like a plan! Get involved by reading up on the details here.
Right. That’s all we have for you this week. What on earth are you still doing here? Click on those links and start discovering!